BTFC Wildcats sessions receive inaugural ‘Inspiring the Future’ award
Coaches, players and parents pick up the award from Michelle on behalf of Notts FA
Our Wildcats team at Bingham Town FC are the extremely proud recipients of the first ever Inspiring the Future award from the FA!
After receiving lots of nominations for our Wildcats sessions, Michelle Marshall (Football Development Officer) from Notts FA commented on a few things that particularly made us stand out, including;
- Our Wildcats of the Week initiative to recognise positive behaviours
- The free Wildcats t-shirts we share with the girls to help them feel a sense of belonging to the group
- The great relationship and communication that the coaches and helpers have with the players and their parents/guardians
Since we started the sessions in the spring of 2018 our Wildcats programme has grown from small beginnings with just a handful of girls to now having over 30 players each week as the norm. As well as being a fun training session where they can learn to play, Wildcats is a great pathway into our girls section at the club. Players who started with us as FA Wildcats are now playing in matches on Sundays as part of our U8, U9, U10 and U11s squads and several parents have come on board as coaches and helpers to those teams.
Like the rest of the volunteers at BTFC we do it for the players and the love of the game, but as we head into our fifth year of providing Wildcats sessions for the girls in our area it gives everyone a real boost to be recognised in this way. Michelle came along to the latest session to present the team with the certificate, and it gives us enormous pleasure to now officially be providers of ‘FA Award Winning‘ Wildcats sessions at the club!
Thanks go to Notts FA, all of our coaches and volunteers, and of course the girls for coming along and enjoying themselves and working hard each week, plus the parents for all their support.SHARE