An overview of our female football section as we get ready to play matches again. Why not come and join us?
Pictured: BTFC v SV Steinweisen, Wallenfels, August 2019
We’re very proud of our female teams section at the Club. Over the last few years, as the popularity of the female game has grown, we have tried to grow with it and encourage more girls and women to join us.
We’re now offering ‘the beautiful game’ to girls from age 5 right through to our Womens team. The youngest take part in our FA Wildcats sessions on Saturdays, while our age group squads train in the week and play in the Nottinghamshire Girls & Ladies Football League on Sundays. There are over 140 girls and women regularly playing with us at present, but we know we can do more and we’re looking for more girls at all ages from 5 and up.
Our Under 14s and Under 15s squads (school years 8 + 9 + 10) are particularly in need of some extra players for the upcoming season (starting October 2020 but training now). Beginners or experts or somewhere in the middle are equally welcome, it’s never too late to start. Please contact the coaches via the squad pages on the website if you’re interested in coming along.
Of course it’s not just about kicking a ball around and keeping fit, it’s also about meeting people you’re not at school, college or work with, making new friends and building a team spirit. We’ve had group outings to see the England Women in action, and in February we attended the women’s League Cup Final between Arsenal and Chelsea at the City Ground. It was a good game, but freezing! By contrast, in the midst of the heatwave last summer we took a girls squad for the first time on our biennial exchange trip to Bingham’s twin town in Bavaria. We stayed with our friends at FC Wallenfels and the girls played against two local teams. They represented the club and town brilliantly and had a fantastic time ‘on tour’.
In the last year some of our older girls have taken up refereeing and others are taking their first steps into coaching, supported by us in both cases. We would love to have some more female representation on the coaching side of things so if this interests you please get in touch here.
Any girls out there who’d like to give football a try, please get in touch, we’d love to see you. As mentioned earlier, we’re particularly in need of girls for the U14s and U15s right now, but we also want to expand all the younger age groups.
If you’re worried about playing in actual matches, relax. You can just come to training if you like (but you will want to play when you see how much everyone enjoys it). You’ll find contact details for all of the teams on their own page.
If you’re over 15, although it’s true our U16s, U18s and Women have pretty good sized squads at the moment you can drop us a line anyway and we’ll see what we can do. We’re always looking to open up more opportunities! SHARE