This weekend we held our annual club presentation day. Here at Bingham Town we pride ourselves on being more than a grassroots football club, we feel it is important to bring the 40 teams together to celebrate each and every member of our club. This enables teams to put on activities and stalls to raise team funds to put towards team building or training wear, whatever the team and their manager decides.

This year’s presentation day was the best yet with lots of teams putting the effort into making the day memorable for all with activities such as a tombola, raffle, guess the mount of sweets in the jar, guess the name of the teddy, target practice, a cake sale, BTFC tote bags, hand made earrings and soak the coach! This along with food and drink being served from the club house made for a great atmosphere at Butt Field.

All of the teams lined up to take the stage and celebrate their season with each player receiving their trophy in front of friends and family, with each team handing out special trophies for; Clubperson on the year (The player that gives the most, irrespective of ability), Managers Player, Players Player and Most Improved player. The smile on the faces of all of the players as they received their awards was lovely to see.

Each year, our Chairman, Rob Harwood, hands out two special awards; Team of the year, which was given to the Under 14 girls this season and the Chair Cup, which is awarded to someone for their services to Bingham Town FC which was awarded to Donna Johnson for her work in the Girls section of the club.

Thank you to all of the volunteers, coaches and parents that help to make our amazing club what it is today, without you, we wouldn’t be able to ensure that over 500 BTFC young players are able to enjoy grassroots football on a weekly basis.